API - Getting graph data

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Версия от 09:43, 16 апреля 2018; Evgeniy.mozoliak (обсуждение | вклад)

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To get data from graph log, it is necessary to run following GET-query for URL Here 2 - is the ID of the graph of interest.

Also, instead of specifying the graph ID, you can send the X-WH-REGS header. It specifies, through the comma, the ID of the registers for which data is to be extracted. Example:

X-WH-REGS: 23,12,4

In the request headers, you must pass the API key, the boundaries of the time interval of interest (X-WH-START, X-WH-END) and the number of values ​​(X-WH-SLICES). X-WH-START and X-WH-END are transmitted in UnixTime format. For example:

X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7
X-WH-START: 1422797440
X-WH-END: 1422997405

X-WH-SLICES is the number of values. The time interval X-WH-START-X-WH-END will be divided into X-WH-SLICES of equal intervals and the system will take the most detailed values ​​for each of them.
X-WH-SLICES should be chosen based on the necessary detail of the graph. So, if you need to build a graph 800 pixels wide, then it makes no sense to choose more than 800 values ​​from the log. And sometimes there will be enough 200-400 values ​​depending on the width of the line on the graph.

To speed up the operation, the system can store the averaged values ​​of the registers for different intervals (1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour). In the configuration of each register, you can specify the required detail of the stored data. Depending on the selected time interval and the number of values, the system will attempt to take data from the most appropriate table of averaged values. or from the register register (if it is included for the specified register)

Also, in the headers, you must specify the desired data exchange format. Currently, only the JSON format is supported.

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example of getting data for graph #1:

Method: GET


Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
X-WH-APIKEY: F3C74230818DA487BB2017CE5D0290F4DABCAFD7
X-WH-START: 1422854081
X-WH-END: 1422856235

Response example:

    "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "x": 1422861065000
    "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "x": 1422861173000
    "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "x": 1422861281000
    "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "x": 1422861388000
    "8": "0.000000;9.292714;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.674894;1.000000",
    "x": 1422861496000
    "8": "0.000000;9.489933;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.742101;1.000000",
    "x": 1422861604000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.747650;1.176471",
    "x": 1422861711000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.748471;1.176471",
    "x": 1422861819000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.746659;1.176701",
    "x": 1422861927000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.755068;1.176932",
    "x": 1422862034000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.741844;1.000000",
    "x": 1422862142000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.740291;1.000000",
    "x": 1422862250000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.756320;1.176701",
    "x": 1422862358000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.746004;1.176471",
    "x": 1422862465000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.754233;1.176932",
    "x": 1422862573000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.740343;1.000000",
    "x": 1422862681000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.751393;1.176932",
    "x": 1422862788000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.750868;1.176932",
    "x": 1422862896000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.745956;1.176701",
    "x": 1422863004000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.758306;1.176932",
    "x": 1422863111000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.741780;1.000000",
    "x": 1422863219000
    "8": "0.000000;9.500000;19.000000",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "0.000000;0.741780;1.000000",
    "x": 1422863327000
    "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "x": 1422863435000
    "8": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "10": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "16": "NaN;NaN;NaN",
    "x": 1422863542000

The structure of the returned data is as follows. An array of objects is returned. Each object has an attribute 'x' - this is the timestamp of this entry. The time format is UnixTime multiplied by 1000 (the dimension is milliseconds).
Also in this object there are attributes with values ​​for each register. The attribute name is the register ID. The attribute value is a string where the minimum, average and maximum value of the register on this interval is combined through a semicolon. For example, '0.000000; 0.755068; 1.176932' means that the register took values ​​from 0 to 1.176932, with its arithmetic mean being 0.755068. If in the given interval there is no data on the value of this register, the system will return 'NaN; NaN; NaN'.